Scott Konopka’s Success in Luxury Waterfront Home Real Estate Dispute

Scott Konopka prevailed in a real estate dispute regarding a luxury waterfront home. Konopka obtained a summary judgment on behalf of the seller, in which the court agreed that the seller did not breach the contract or make any false representations. Konopka obtained an affirmance of the decision on appeal by the Fourth District Court […]

George Kastrenakes and Scott Konopka’s Successful Prosecution of Probate Dispute for Beneficiary

George Kastrenakes and Scott Konopka represented a beneficiary in a probate dispute in Martin County probate court. Our firm successfully prosecuted claims against the personal representative for maladministration of the estate. During the proceedings, Kastrenakes used financial records to cross examine the personal representative and establish that the personal representative had wrongfully removed substantial funds […]

Mrachek Law is joining Taft, a preeminent AmLaw 100, full-service law firm, effective June 30, 2025.

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