Law Solutions of Chicago LLC v. Corbett, Case No. 19-11405 (11th Cir. 2020).

A federal court, including a bankruptcy court, retains jurisdiction over a case sufficient to impose sanctions “if the district court either incorporates theterms of a settlement into its final order of dismissal or expressly retainsjurisdiction to enforce a settlement” or if “there is some independent basis for federal jurisdiction.”Watt v. Lo, Case No. 1D19-2994 (Fla. 1st DCA 2020).

In conflict with the holdings of the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Districts, the First District holds a trial court is not required to make express or affirmative findings whendetermining whether to permit a claimant to assert a punitivedamages claim.Venezia Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Case No. 3D19-1869 (Fla. 3d DCA 2020).

A $100 bid foreclosure sale bid by a foreclosing lender is not so grossly inadequate so as to set aside the sale.Massa v. Michael Ridard Hospitality LLC, Case Nos. 3D20-0357, 3D20-0355, 3D20-0354 (Fla. 3d DCA 2020).

It is error for a trial court to compel non-signatories into arbitration without conducting an evidentiary hearing.Cinco v. Coquina Palms Homeowners Assoc., Inc., Case No. 5D18-2897 (Fla. 5th DCA 2020).

A party seeking an award of attorney’s fees based on the Wrongful Act Doctrine (allows a plaintiff to recoverits attorney’s fees as a special damage when a defendant’s wrongful act caused theplaintiff to litigate with a third party even if there is no statutory or contractual basis for fees) must plead the Wrongful Act Doctrine as special damages.Speed Dry, Inc. v. Anchor Property And Casualty Insurance Company, Case No. 5D19-3055 (Fla. 5th DCA 2020).

Article X, section 4(c) of the Florida Constitution does notprohibit the assignment of post-loss insurance benefits due as a result of damage to ahomestead property; question of great public importance certified.

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