The Florida Bar Re: Advisory Opinion—Out-Of-StateAttorney Working Remotely from Florida Home, Case No. SC20-1220 (Fla. 2021).

Attorney not licensed in Florida who works exclusively for his out of state law firm through electronic means, does not have a Florida office, and does not serve Florida customers can practice from his Florida home without being barred in Florida.Point Conversions, LLC Omkar Hotels, Inc.d/b/a Sleep Inn & Suites, Case Nos. 1D19-4290, 1D19-4361, 1D19-4362, 1D19-4363,1D19-4366, 1D19-4371, 1D19-4374, 1D19-4375,1D19-4377, and 1D19-4402 (Fla. 1st DCA 2021).

A breach of license suit based upon appropriation of a patent is fundamentally a patent dispute over which the federal courts have exclusive federal jurisdiction; conflict certified with Point Conversions,LLC v. WPB Hotel Partners, 46 Fla. L. Weekly D489, 2021 WL822853 (Fla. 4th DCA Mar. 3, 2021) (motion for reh’g pending).Summerland Key Cove Park, LLC v. Murphy,Case No. 3D19-801 (Fla. 3d DCA 2021).

Language on a plat granting an easement does not precluded theimposition of any restrictions on the easement, and remand is necessary for a determination whether the imposed restrictions are reasonable.Dovv. Nirestates, LLC,Case No. 3D19-1358 (Fla. 3d DCA 2021).

Defendant who was never served with process, filed an answer objecting to jurisdiction of the court, objected to being deposed, objected to trial while calling no witnesses at trial is not liable on a judgment even though she filed an answer.

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