St. Louis Condominium Association, Inc. v Rockhill Insurance Company, Case No. 19-12716 (11th Cir. 2021).

The failure to provide not one date for the deposition of a party’s expert witness before discovery cutoff supports a magistrate judge’s decision to exclude the witness.Gulf Coast Solar Center I, LLC v.  Busbee, Case No. 1D20-1439 (Fla. 1st DCA 2021).

A business located on federal property is not exempt from Florida personal property taxation simply because of the Federal Enclave Exemption to taxation.City of St. Petersburg v. Dorchester Holdings, LLC, Case No. 2D20-463 (Fla. 2d DCA 2021).

A government responding to a records request under the Public Records Act mustdetermine whether therequested records exist, locate the records, and review each record to determine if it is exempt from production, including attorney-client and work product, and the clerk of the government agency may charge a special service charge to cover investigative costs inaddition to the costs of duplication, which special service fee must be paid in advance.Powers v. Whitcraft, Case No. 4D21-194 (Fla. 4th DCA 2021).

A sublessor is bound by the Florida Landlord-Tenant Act, Florida Statutes Chapter 83.

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