Florida SuperLawyers Recognizes ​Mrachek Law Attorneys

Each year, Florida SuperLawyers magazine honors those attorneys who have made significant contributions, as determined by their peers, to their particular practice areas.  This year, Florida SuperLawyers recognized three attorneys from Mrachek, Fitzgerald, Rose, Konopka & Dow, P.A. as Florida SuperLawyers in the area of Business Litigation:

L. Louis Mrachek             (Business Litigation)
Roy E. Fitzgerald             (Business Litigation)
Alan B. Rose                    (Business Litigation)

Additionally, L. Louis Mrachek was listed in the “Top 100 Vote Getters in Florida.”  Over the past twelve years, ​Mrachek Law has developed a strong reputation for providing excellence and quality service to its clients in the areas of business, commercial, intellectual property/trade secrets, probate, and securities litigation.  With offices in both Stuart and West Palm Beach, ​Mrachek Law attorneys frequently travel throughout the state of Florida representing the Firm’s larger clients, including nationally known pharmaceutical companies, athletic corporations, and health care organizations.  For more information on the Firm and its attorneys, please visit ​Mrachek Law on the web at: http://mrachek-law.webmanna.com or contact the Firm by calling 772-221-7757.

Mrachek Law is joining Taft, a preeminent AmLaw 100, full-service law firm, effective June 30, 2025.

Learn more here.