Florida Trend Magazine Recognizes ​Mrachek Law Attorneys As Legal Elite

The ninth edition of Florida Trend Magazine’s Florida Legal Elite (2012) has recognized two attorneys from ​Mrachek Law as among the most highly esteemed attorneys in the State. L. Louis Mrachek from the Firm’s West Palm Beach office and Scott Konopka from ​Mrachek Law ’s Stuart office have been named Florida’s Legal Elite in the area of commercial litigation. Attorneys recognized by Florida Legal Elite are selected by their peers, who are asked to name those attorneys whom they hold in the highest regard and would recommend to others. This peer recognition program garners recognition in the publication for only the top 2% of the more than 70,000 attorneys actively practicing in Florida. For more information about L. Louis Mrachek, Scott Konopka, or ​Mrachek Law , please visit the Firm’s website at http://mrachek-law.webmanna.com.

Mrachek Law is joining Taft, a preeminent AmLaw 100, full-service law firm, effective June 30, 2025.

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