Fourth DCA Affirms Summary Judgment for Client

The Florida Fourth District Court of Appeal recently affirmed a summary judgment entered in favor of Charles and Susan Rucks, our clients, against Lexington Insurance Company.  The case was filed against Lexington’s insured, a now-defunct accounting firm, and the trial counsel had obtained a $3.2 million judgment.  When Lexington refused to pay the judgment, writs of garnishment were served.  We were retained as appellate counsel, and assisted with the state court summary judgment motion as well.  Alan Rose and Stefanie Shelley handled the appeal, along with the trial counsel Tim B. Wright of Wright, Ponsoldt and Lozeau in Stuart, Florida.  Lexington was represented by a former Florida Supreme Court Justice. The case was argued by Alan Rose on May 14, 2013, and the Fourth DCA affirmed in a per curiam decision (click on link below) on May 30th.

Case 4D12-3553 Lexington v. Rucks Decision



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