Mrachek Law Attorneys Publish Article in Florida Bar Journal’s Special Issue on Legal Technology

The January 2016 Florida Bar Journal published an article written by Mrachek Law Shareholder Gregory Weiss, and Mrachek Law Associates Shannon Timman and Michael Kranz, entitled “Beast of (Shifting) Burden: What Constitutes Undue Burden Sufficient to Shift ESI Production Costs Under Fla. R. Civ. P. 1.280?” The article notes that there are no Florida state court cases interpreting the amended Rule 1.280, which now provides that the costs to search for and produce certain electronically stored information in discovery can be shifted to the requesting party upon a showing of “burdensomeness”. The article goes on to summarize persuasive federal cases interpreting an analogous federal rule. The January 2016 edition of the Florida Bar Journal is a Special Edition on Legal Technology (Vol. 90, NO.1). Mrachek Law is a boutique business litigation firm that uses cutting edge technology to most effectively deliver its clients’ message to the judge and jury.

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