Mrachek Law Shareholder Teaches Electronic Discovery for Trial Lawyers CLE

On May 31, 2019, Mrachek Law shareholder Greg Weiss organized and lead the first “eDiscovery for Trial Lawyers” Continuing Legal Education class presented by Florida Bar’s Trial Lawyers Section. The class provided trial lawyers 4 hours of technology credit, as well as credits for Board Certification in Business Litigation and Civil Trial. Weiss put together several panels of distinguished professionals, including John Dominguez (Cohen Milstein), Steve Teppler (Mandelbaum Salsburg), Cherine Smith Valbrun (Kim Vaughan Lerner), Jonathan Vine (Cole Scott) and Robert Wilkins (Jones Foster), and presented himself, on topics ranging from collection, production, preservation, ESI protocols, the impact of amended Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.280, Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26, and cases involving social media evidence, ESI, burden shifting and trends about the same. The CLE was convened in person at Nova Southeastern Law School, and was also webcast to a large audience. Mrachek Law handles business and construction litigation on hourly, contingency and hybrid bases throughout Florida from its offices in West Palm Beach and Stuart.