​Mrachek Law Celebrates Constitution Day

On September 10, 2012, in honor of Constitution Day, ​Mrachek Law attorneys Peggy Stumhofer and Lou Mrachek were invited to participate in McCabe Rabin’s America Reads the Constitution event.  Members of the legal community were asked to read aloud parts of the U.S. Constitution.  Readers included the Mayor of West Palm Beach, Judges, Teachers and local Bar Association Officials.  Each reader had the option of bringing up a child to read with him or her.  Lou Mrachek, as former Chairman of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Judicial Nominating Committee, read the 15th Amendment.  Peggy Stumhofer, President-elect of the Palm Beach County Chapter of the Federal Bar Association read Article 2, Section 4 on Impeachment.  Peggy’s niece, Emilia McGovern, a first grader at Binks Forest Elementary School in Wellington, joined Peggy for the reading.

Mrachek Law is joining Taft, a preeminent AmLaw 100, full-service law firm, effective June 30, 2025.

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