Three Mrachek Law Attorneys Publish Article in Florida Bar Journal

Mrachek Law Shareholders Roy Fitzgerald and Greg Weiss, with Mrachek Law Associate Donna Eng, authored an article for the May 2016 Florida Bar Journal (Vol. 90, No. 5) entitled Online Defamation: Do Hyperlinks Constitute Republication for Florida Defamation and Trade Libel Claims? The article addresses a novel issue in Florida law, but current issue facing businesses, particularly as the identity of a business becomes more intertwined with their website. The article can be viewed here.

Mrachek Law is a boutique business litigation law firm with offices in West Palm Beach and Stuart, Florida.

Mrachek Law is joining Taft, a preeminent AmLaw 100, full-service law firm, effective June 30, 2025.

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